To display the work item status and get the total time data, we should wait until its sub-work item's onRender events are executed. 为了显示工作项状态并得到总体的时间数据,我们应该等待,直到其子工作项的onRender事件得到执行为止。
In the insurance approval widget, the IT user could display the related work item fields for routing control while the current ECM work data widget could display the other work item fields. 在这个保险审批小部件中,IT用户可以显示相关工作项目字段进行路由控制,而当前ECM工作数据小部件可以显示其他工作项目字段。
Page fields allow you to filter the entire PivotTable report to display data for a single item or all the items. 页字段允许您筛选整个数据透视表,以显示单个项或所有项的数据。